Tes cruz zodiac
Tes cruz zodiac

tes cruz zodiac

Pepper on Senator Ted Cruz, which he referenced during Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s Senate hearing on October 18th.

tes cruz zodiac

On October 18th, 2017, United States Senator Ben Sasse responded to a thread discussing Sasse's apology spilling a Dr. On May 2nd, 2016, Yahoo News asked Cruz's wife to respond to Willmore's jokes, to which she replied "Well, I've been married to him for 15 years, and I know pretty well who he is, so it doesn't bother me at all." The following day, Redditor youramazing submitted a post about the event to the /r/The_Donald subreddit, referring to Willmore as an "absolute madman". On April 30th, 2016, comedian Larry Willmore repeatedly referred to Ted Cruz as the "Zodiac Killer" during his closing act at the White House Correspondents' Dinner (shown below). Larry Wilmore's White House Correspondents' Dinner Jokes On February 26th, NPR reported that many of the people involved in popularizing the meme think Cruz is "creepy." On February 23rd, the On February 26th, the news site The Verge published an article about the history of the theory. On February 20th, Twitter user Tim Nunley pointed out that Cruz was born after the killer's infamous murders. On February 17th, activist Tim Faust began selling t-shirts printed with a depiction of Cruz as the Zodiac Killer (shown below). That day, he posted a screenshot of the phrase displayed during a CBS broadcast of that evening's Republican presidential debate with the caption "holy shit we did it" (shown below). On February 13th, 2015, Twitter user tweeted for readers to Google the phrase "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" en masse for the phrase to appear on Google Trends. That evening, Twitter user tweeted that Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada and that the Zodiac Killer's first victims were named "Cal and Gary" (shown below, right). On January 20th, 2016, Twitter user posted a fake quote of Cruz confessing to the Zodiac Killer murders (shown below, left). On December 15th, 2015, a Facebook page titled "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" was launched, garnering upwards of 9,400 likes over the next two months. On November 10th, 2014, Twitter user tweeted that Cruz' deathbed confession would be "I am the Zodiac Killer" along with the hashtag "#TedCruzIsTheZodiacKiller" (shown below). On March 14th, 2013, the Twitter feed posted a a tweet claiming that an upcoming Cruz speech would be titled "This is the Zodiac Speaking" (shown below).

Tes cruz zodiac